Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got Prunes?

For those of you who've noticed there's lately been a lack of poop blogs here, there's a reason for that (and for those of you who've actually missed the frequent poop blogs... you're disgusting).

I don't want to celebrate it too early, but I think it's nearly official: Ben is pretty close to becoming a certified Potty Pooper (not to be confused with Party Pooper, although he is proficient in this area, as well).

I've said it before, but it's not an exaggeration, and it bears repeating again. This is a miracle, folks. This is God at work, and I am not trying to be flip. There is no other reason. The child poops on the potty.... and all God's people said "Amen."

So hopefully the poopyness of this blog will wear off and there will be other funny things to write about (the thought of poop being the only funny thing in my life makes me want to eat a bottle of antidepressants). But until then.... a short poop story.

Ben has major constipation issues-- at one point he was telling us his poop was stuck "way up in his head." We've discovered that Miralax is just a wee bit too effective, but prunes... prunes are just the right amount of power. I don't know if you've ever seen a dried prune, but they're dark, sticky, squishy, and look just like turds. And the boys think they're delicious.

Needless to say, we let Ben eat as many of those nasty things as he wants, but we ration out Jake's carefully because... well, Jake doesn't need any help in the pooping department. We've learned our lesson that one per day is just about all he needs.

"Mommy, I want a prune," Jake pleaded with me.

"No, Jake, you've already had enough for today. You can't eat too many."

"Yeah.... I might poop all over myself," he reluctantly agreed, walking off.

Perhaps one day he'll be old and gray and able to eat as many prunes as his little heart desires.

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