Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hang a right at the potties

Part of the joy of renovating an older home is building a collection of old items that accumulate in a dark corner of the basement. Things that are too nasty for anyone else to want and too unwieldly to simply throw in the trashcan.

Like old ceiling fans.

And sinks.

And.... toilets.

Back in Lexington, we never could have gotten away with sitting a potty out by the curb for the trashman to take away. First of all, we would have been cited by the homeowner's association within three hours. Second, the job of a trashman in Lexington has become so sophisticated and technologically savvy that they rarely exit the vehicle. They press a button and a huge arm reaches over, dump, and off it goes.

As you've probably guessed, pretty much anything goes here in good ole EK. So we were surprised when our set of old potties set by the road was rejected by our trashpeople today. Perhaps they were more civilized here than we thought. A call to the local sanitation department cleared that up. They'll certainly pick it up; however, the pick-up must be specifically scheduled.

But until then, a photo opportunity existed that I simply could not resist.

For your information, Jake was terrified of this proposition of sitting on a nasty old toilet in the front yard. I think the sentiment was more along the lines of I am embarrassed to call you my parents. That is, until a ride on the four-wheeler after bathtime was promised.

I can't make this stuff up.

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